Sitemap - 2024 - World War II Today

Celebrating 'Constitution Day'

The fight continues in Finland

Berliners adjust to bombing

50 yards from the Germans

"Seven seconds from Eternity"

'The Waffen SS in Normandy 1944'

Exercise Tiger convoy ambushed

D-Day exercises intensify

German contempt for Italians

Big guns pound Cassino

Chindits ambush Japanese

Nightmare over Dusseldorf

Harassing shellfire at Anzio

'From Le Paradis to Kohima'

Heavy casualties as Paris bombed

Disaster as SS Paul Hamilton hit

The bombardment of Sabang

The relief of Kohima begins

The bombing of Semlin Judenlager

Black Sunday for the 5th Air Force

Japanese destroyer torpedoed

'Operation Neptune'

The Norfolks arrive at Kohima

Bombing is part of a daily routine

The hazards of a Japanese 'infirmary'

Life in a a 'grotesque' Berlin

Two U-Boats in two days

British besieged on Indian border

Black day for the 44th

Escape from Auschwitz

Islamic warrior earns VC

USAAF return to Ploesti

Auschwitz photographed

Dive bombers hit the Tirpitz

French civilians massacred in Ascq

The German retreat in Ukraine

'Monte Cassino - A German View'

Pilot Officer Barton dies saving his crew

Rehearsal for D-Day

A cornered U-boat fights back

'Fight to the Last Man'

The Kinder Aktion in the Kovno Ghetto

OSS Troops Murdered

A burning plane and no parachute

The Great Escape

The Great Escape from Stalag Luft III

Japanese halted at Sangshak

The infantry confront the Monastery

U-333 survives attack by Walker's group

Young bodies bear the brunt of war

Panic as the Red Army approaches

USAAF disaster over Friedrichshafen

'In the Service of the Emperor'

Burma - Battles behind the Lines

Montgomery addresses invasion troops

The Bombing of the Monastery

The reality of the Black Market in Italy

Murder on the High Seas

Murder in a US POW camp

Heroic single handed bayonet attack

'While Berlin Burns'

The desperate battle for Hill 260

Horrors of the Death Railway

The front line in the mountains of Italy

Taking a Mosquito deep into France

Black Monday for the 8th Air Force

Chuck Yeager evades capture

The second Chindit raid deep into Burma

Beaufighter And Mosquito Operations In WWII

US Fighter Escort Ambushed

German propaganda seeks to divide the allies

The Red Army marches west

The Cavalry arrive in the Pacific

Survival in Auschwitz - understand the system

Intelligence on the front line

Beaten to death for teaching children

'Naval Eyewitnesses'

The plans for Overlord come together

The 392nd Bomb Group destroy Gotha

Londoners adjust to a nightly 'Blitz'

Disaster in Nijmegen

Fate and shellfire

'Big Week' hits Germany

The 'Baby Blitz' hits London

'Sniper on the Eastern Front'

Operation Jericho

Heavy casualties holding the line at Anzio

Hitler calls for "iron will"

Desperating holding the line at Anzio

New Guinea battlefield revisited

Italians suffer as the battles continue

Troopship torpedoed in Indian Ocean

US Infantry under German observation

A successful 'Rodeo' raid

Three U-Boats hunted down

Outstanding Courage at Anzio

Japanese bayonet wounded in hospital

Death on the Anzio bridgehead

Under shellfire in the shadow of Cassino

'Creating Hitler's Germany'

Duelling with a German sniper

'Mopping Up' on Kwajalein

Allied POWs humiliated

Disaster at Cisterna

London tense as the bombing starts again

Work on the Atlantikwall becomes urgent

A German post war breeding programme

General Mark Clark survives 'friendly fire'

A Tailor in Auschwitz

The Siege of Leningrad is Lifted

Surviving Soviet artillery

The Germans move to contain Anzio

Japanese death march begins

Relief at the success at Anzio

Operation Shingle: The Anzio landings

'Hitler's Court'

US troops in suicidal assault

Lieutenant Horwood draws Japanese fire

Captured by a German raiding party

Disaster as shell hits Royal Artillery battery

A bloody baptism of fire

Freezing on the Eastern Front

German grip on Poland tightens

'Radio Operator on the Eastern Front'

Hitler rejects a defensive strategy in the East

Why is the USA not helping the Jews?

A young man with his life ahead of him

Roosevelt sets out a vision for the future

Shot in the neck during dawn raid

Working in the Auschwitz complex

In the Eastern Front trenches

'The Second World War Illustrated'

Heroic single man attack

Flushing out 'the Japs' in the jungle

The Royal Engineers prepare for D-Day

Work resumes on 'Harry'

Tank duel on the Eastern Front

US Marines are dive bombed

Hope and dread in Berlin